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Help World Hunger with These 7 Organizations

Hunger remains to be one of the worst problems in the world. In fact, statistics revealed that more than 815 million people experience hunger, with most of them coming from third world countries.

Poverty and hunger go hand in hand. Poverty causes hunger because of lack of resources. Hunger causes poverty because of malnourishment and high costs of food. In turn, this affects the workplace and school performance. To effectively solve these pressing hunger issues, poverty should also be addressed.

Thankfully, some organizations have made it their primary goal and objective to ward off world hunger and look at the underlying factors that cause this concern.

  1. Action Against Hunger

As of 2014, there are already over 13.6 million people all over the world who were able to benefit from the different programs of Action Against Hunger. They are composed of over 6,500 staff workers around the globe and their programs save lives and teach impoverished people effective ways on how to live safely and comfortably for a long time.

  1. Bread for the World Institute

Bread for the World Institute (BFWI) is a faith-based organization that confronts the world leaders regarding their hunger policies. BFWI offers policy analysis when it comes to hunger together with effective strategies on how to hamper the problem. They educate the public, policymakers, opinion leaders, and their advocacy network about hunger overseas.

  1. The Hunger Project

The main focus of The Hunger Project is on the 10 principles that will help solve world hunger. This include gender equality, human dignity, leverage, empowerment, sustainability, interconnectedness, holistic approach, social transformation, transformative leadership, and decentralization. The organization has empowered efforts in local entrepreneurship and offered support for community development in India, Africa, Peru, Mexico, and Bangladesh.

  1. Food for the Hungry

This is a Christian organization established in 1971, which concentrates on building sustainable community solutions. This organization has been flourishing in assisting lift communities out of poverty and hunger. One of their sought-after projects is the Child Sponsorship Program. For 35 dollars every month, the programs come to hunger-stricken communities to provide the infrastructure for the sponsored kids to grow and flourish.

  1. Mercy Corps

They are a leading global organization driven by the belief that a better world is possible. They strive to help people flourish over hardships and create stronger communities from within.

  1. Heifer International

Heifer International was formed in 1944 with a mission of empowering people to rise from poverty. One of the things they do to achieve it is through donating livestock like chickens, goats, and cows, and funding programs with the same goal.

These are the top 7 organizations that aim to combat hunger worldwide. For them to achieve their goal, it is important to help and support them in their activities. Take action today. Donate or volunteer and make the world a better, happier, and hunger-free place for everyone!

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