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Five Empowering Organisations Helping Women


Millions of women around the world experience violence, inequality, and disadvantage every day. Here are five organisations helping to give these women a voice by advocating for gender equality.

Helping women in areas of war and conflict

Women for Women

Women for Women International has helped more than 462 000 marginalised women in countries affected by war and conflict. They serve and provide these women with support, tools, and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency. Check out their website for information on how you can get involved.

Putting an end to violence against women

Stop Violence Against Women

All women have the right to safety in their homes, work, schools, or the streets. The Stop Violence Against Women website is a forum for information, advocacy and change in promoting women’s rights around the globe. By creating a forum for discussion, Stop Violence Against Women has reached and assisted countless women in seeking help. Donate to support their advocacy efforts.

Supporting women in all endeavours

UN Women

UN Women is a branch of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of all women across the world. It was established to accelerate the progress on gender equality, and has since worked with governments on changing policy in order to see positive change. Support their campaigns and get involved.

Breaking the glass ceiling and supporting women in power

No Ceilings

Gender equality is not an issue to take lightly. Supported by the Clinton Foundation, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this website is a public space advocating for women progressing in the workforce and schooling. Engage with their interactive maps and infographics and learn about why there fight for gender equality is far from over.

Empowering young women

Girl Up

As the United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign, Girl Up engages girls to take action. With over half a million passionate advocates, Girl Up supports young women so they feel empowered to become leaders in the world.

Photo Credit: UN Women, Wikipedia

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