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The Luxury of Drinking Water

By Makk Vjy

Did you know that every 21 seconds, one child dies due to an illness related to water? It is very shocking to know that 780 million worldwide do not have access to clean water, which is roughly 2.5 times the population of the United States, 12 times that of the UK, and 34 times that of Australia. In most of the developed and developing economies, clean drinking water is made available to all the citizens. However, it is not the same in under developed countries; where all the women collectively, spend 200 million hours per day on an average collecting water.

Due to the non-availability of clean water, 3.4 million people die every year, when considered population wise, is the death of entire Los Angeles every year!

It is the responsibility and a duty of every privileged citizen in the world to whom water is available, to help the others who are struggling for the same. We do not understand the importance of clean water as it is a resource which is abundantly available to us. But, it is a social responsibility of each individual to help the ones who are lacking clean water, as water is one of the basic needs of everyone. It is out of our scope of realization to know how important water is to our day-to-day activities. It is one huge step forward towards humanity if we contribute and get involved in helping them satisfy one of the most basic needs.

There are various drives and social campaigns worldwide to help people who struggle every day for water. One such organization that has successfully helped millions and is carrying out various activities is They are dedicatedly serving in all the regions that are facing the shortage or non-existence of clean drinking water. They have projects active in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, India and Uganda. You can offer your help by donating to the cause or can get involved in their activities expressing your support. You can do the same by following the link

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It would not take over a minute to sign up and know more about this social organization, but joining them would be of great help in successfully making clean drinking water available to the entire world. sees to it that in the regions they are involved, a person has access to clean water for a lifetime once they carry out the work. It might just be the expenses you incur during a weekend outing or dinner that will financially help a family to have clean drinking water. It is our social responsibility to help others who lack water accessibility, so that we make this world a better place for them too, making their lifestyle hygienic and clean, which would be greatly helpful as they would improve health wise too. Take the step ahead, register yourself and contribute generously for this humane cause. You can sign up for to know about the activities and projects they are working on and also follow them on popular social networking websites and encourage their dedication.

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